Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a “prophetess”, the daughter of Phanuel , of the tribe of Aser. She was of great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity;
Prophetess - As a “prophetess” Anna, was a “forseer” or one whom the Lord showed things that were coming ahead. She was “inspired by God”. In order to see what was ahead, she must first had to be a “hearer” of the words of God and have an intimate relationship with Him.
Face of God -Anna was the daughter of Phanuel which means face of God. As a daughter, Anna was covered by her father Phanuel. He took responsibility for her. I believe this scripture is showing that God’s face was upon Anna. His eyes, ears, mouth, nose were covering her. His face or presence was covering, leading and guiding her at all times. As a leader and representative of Christ we need to seek the “face of God” spending time alone in his presence walking only by His direction and guidance. As ministers of God’s word we should only speak what Christ tells us to speak, guarding our words carefully so when others look into our face they see and hear Jesus.
Happy - The tribe of Aser (name means happy) might suggest that this tribe was glad and grateful to serve the Lord. When a person is happy they are usually content. Everything above that is an extra blessing. Anna was happy to serve and give up the material things life offered for a life of service in the temple.
Lived - She had lived seven years with her husband ( Luk 2:36 ), and been a widow eighty-four years; so that if she married at the earliest marriageable age, twelve years, she could not at this time be less than a hundred three years old. Lived in this scripture also might indicate that Anna, although she was widowed early in her life, once she had married, she matured quickly having learned the things God intended for her to learn through her brief marriage. Now she was “suddenly” ready for God’s divine call to help her step into her destiny. The Lord allowed her to marry but then called her into the “priesthood” which consisted of taking care of the temple by fasting and praying. The Lord gave her insight, wisdom and the ability to see face of God. She had a “happy” and grateful spirit even though she was only married for a short time. There is no doubt that after serving for 84 years in the temple she spent much time by herself alone with God.

Luke 2:38
And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that 2looked for redemption (ransoming) in Jerusalem.
Coming in --"presenting herself." She had been there already but now is found "standing by," as Simeon's testimony to the blessed Babe died away, ready to take it up "in turn" (as the word rendered "likewise" here means).
Spake of him to all them -- the sense is, "to all them in Jerusalem that were looking for redemption"--saying in effect, In that Babe are wrapped up all your expectations. If this was at the hour of prayer, when numbers flocked to the temple, it would account for her having such an audience as the words imply [ALFORD].

This was Anna’s greatest moment. The moment she had waited. The ultimate proof of the prophecy she had spoke of so many times. Don’t you imagine that after eighty-four years of serving in the temple, fasting, praying and hearing the voice of the Lord, speaking out the promise, that some might have thought her mad? I can just see her holding up the baby Jesus praying out loud and proclaiming what He was about to do. I can see her presenting Him to the others in the temple, hearing her proclamation and beholding the beauty of His Holiness. Don’t you know the Word of God was flowing in the temple that day? I can’t imagine anyone could hold Anna back from shouting and declaring: Y’shua (Salvation) El Elyon (Most High), Kadosh (Holy One), Gaol(Redeemer), Shaphat (Judge) and Palet (Delverer) YOU ARE HERE!
1 comment:
Hello Cinderella, I have not thought of Anna for ages. "Don't you imagine that after eighty-four years of serving in the temple, fasting, praying and hearing the voice of the Lord, speaking out the promise, that some might have thought her mad?"
Neither have I ever put all of it together about her age, etc. very cool... I'd like to add a comment or two to your story (as I know you are one day going to publish a book)...
Can you imagine being in one place for such a time, doing things for people when they do not understand why you are there, wondering your real motive, doing things they don't think you should be doing, and on top of that they do not appreciate any of it, or behave toward you as if you are almost invisible, taking for granted as if you will always be there.
Your only audience in life is God. Serving Him. Alone.
As we can see in hindsight, this woman had a purpose penned at the beginning time by the Ancient of Days... just for her, just for a time such as the one she was in... to proclaim Him to others, in one time of history.
Since her proclamation, she is never mentioned again in the scriptures. But I know she since her departure from her temporary home on this earth, she has spent her eternal permanent days before the throne crying holy, holy, holy with the hosts of heaven.
We will one day have the opportunity to meet this woman along with so many others... Rahab, Rebecca, Sarah, Lidia, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Corrie Ten Boome, Amy Carmichael, Hannah Whittal Smith... there are so many... Of course, these do not compare to The One who we will meet face to face... the One Anna spoke of to "all them who looked for redemption...."
Jesus is right now preparing a place for His faithful ones... a place we will surely see when we are in the Celestial City, there where Jesus' Father's house has many mansions (John 1:2). I wonder if they have a time where all of the saints come together and talk and share, if we are going to cook food, will we need beds? I have so many questions. I know it will be glorious, the scriptures say it will.
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